Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

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Personal & Interpersonal Benefits

Tailored Support

Collaborative Divorce allows for specialized support, including legal guidance and emotional support from divorce coaches and child specialists.

Client Control

Clients have full control over the terms of their agreement, with no risk of an imposed court decision.


Unlike litigation, Collaborative Divorce is a private process, keeping personal matters out of the public record.

Preservation of Relationships

Collaborative Divorce encourages constructive communication, helping to preserve relationships—an important factor when children are involved.

Logistical Benefits

Avoiding Court

Collaborative Divorce typically eliminates the need for court appearances, with all paperwork being submitted after an agreement is reached.


Collaborative cases generally take less time to resolve than litigated divorces, with most cases being finalized in 4-6 months.

Cost Savings

Although costs vary, Collaborative Divorce tends to be less expensive than litigation due to its efficiency and reduced need for court involvement.

Geographical Flexibility

Collaborative Divorce teams do not need to be based locally, providing greater flexibility for clients, particularly in rural areas.

Meet the dedicated professionals who work together to support every aspect of your Collaborative Divorce. Learn more in the next section.
Next: The Collaborative Team